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Celebrate the Holidays with the Animals!

Your Generosity Makes a Difference!

Winter is here and it is the most difficult season for most rescue organizations and their animals. All edible grass is gone and the animals need grain and hay daily to sustain them through winter.

One $20 donation will buy a bag of feed or a bale of hay. It will cost us approximately $500 per week to feed all our animals. Please help our rescued cows, sheep, burros, pigs, turkeys, rabbits, cats, ducks, dogs and roosters during this critical part of the year.

Thank you to all who donate to us year-round as well as those new to our family of supporters. We wish you all a wonderful Christmas and new year to come.


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Caryl, Ralph and Floppy dreaming of stockings filled with treats
Season’s greetings from Caryl, Floppy, Ralph and all your friends at Precious Life Animal Sanctuary!
Cows out in the dnow enjoying hay. Cows out in the dnow enjoying hay.
Mocha investigates the hay.